Accessing and Downloading Patient Notes

Accessing and Downloading Patient Notes

On the front page of your call center, you will see buttons that allow you to access various functions. Depending on your role within your practice or company, you may have different buttons available.

Click on the "Triage Notes" button. (Or, alternatively, click on the "Patients" tab at the top of the screen, then "Notes.")

This will take you to the notes screen. Here you will see recent notes from your practice(s) and a search box with various parameters. You can search by practice, doctor name, patient name, date, or note number.

When you've entered your search parameters, the system will fetch any notes that match your criteria.

Clicking the pink note icon will open the note history in a new pop-up window. If you do not see this new window, please make sure that you have pop-ups enabled for the site. The note history shows all relevant information associated with this note.

If you would like to view, print, or download a PDF of the note, click on the PDF icon. 

The PDF will open in a new tab. From that new tab, you can use the icons in the upper right-hand corner to download or print your PDF.
[PDF example not shown to protect patient information in accordance with HIPAA standards.]

If you have any questions, please send us an email at and we will be happy to help you.

Please note that all information contained in this article and its screenshots are the sole proprietary property of TriageLogic LLC and are not to be copied or distributed.
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