An Overview of Special Character Usage

An Overview of Special Character Usage


  1. The new software provides an upgrade which strips out "problematic" special characters prior to saving, so the user can't make a mistake.
  2. This is done without notice to the user. In other words, after clicking “GO” to save, the program will remove any unwanted characters and save the correct version.
  3. All text fields will strip single quotes/apostrophes or change them to `


  1. 1 Special Character is Required. This is important for password security purposes.

Passwords allow more kinds of special characters than any other text fields.
Passwords are completely distinct from all other areas and have their own rules.


  1. Disallowed Special Character that are removed by the system: - : " ' < > , | ~ /
  2. Disallowed Special Characters that will show an error message: % ? 


  1. Disallowed Special Characters: ' % # * 
All spaces are stripped from user names as well.


  1. Disallowed Special Characters: ‘

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