Blank Faxes or no faxes received

Blank Faxes or no faxes received

We received multiple faxed notes regarding patient calls over the weekend, but they are blank.
Fax machines will stop the page text when there is an interruption with the phone line connection, such as someone pikcing up the phone, bad phone lines, or even a technical issue with the fax machine itself.
If you receive any pages that are blank, please login your Triage Logic Call Center site, under NOTES, select your practice and select the PDF icon of each note you are missing.
RESEND that PDF via fax. (video instruction available)
If it fails a second time. Please download and PRINT the PDF directly to your local printer or fax machine.
If the FAXING issue continues and you have confirmed there is no issues with your local fax machine. Please contact us with the TRIAGE NOTE number so we can escalate the issue with our fax servers.

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