Bring back a disabled or deleted practice.

Bring back a disabled or deleted practice.

How do I bring back a previously removed practice from the system?
As to our system policies, all data must be retained. Therefor every practice and doctor entered is also retained. They are disabled when "deleted" button is pressed. 
This will not really remove the data, but just make the associated practice unavailable to be selected and used by the system.
Occasionally, a practice comes back and you want to re-enable it, instead of re-entering all their information a second time.
We do recommend having it re-enabled, rather than having multiple copies of the same practice in the system, even if they are not visually available.
Currently a disabled practice is not directly able to be re-enabled, but we can help!
Please send us an email to, please include the practice name and we'll gladly re-enable the practice, and associated doctors as they were last active.

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