Click to Call (C2C) button.

Click to Call (C2C) button.


C2C & How to Report a Problem

WHAT IS CLICK 2 CALL - Calling a patient and recording the call is required by the Telephone Triage team to use on every call when communicating with patients.  We call this CLICK TO CALL, or in shorthand referred as C2C. When C2C is utilized, we know a call recording is attached to the ticket correctly. You see this feature where you see this icon call_now.jpg in the call ticket. You may see this same icon in the HISTORY page on closed tickets, when there is a call recording expected to be found.

CHANGING MY NUMBER - First you need to have a C2C number set in your account information. You can change your number without asking your manager to do so for you.  To change this, click on your name near the top right hand of any page. This will bring you to your account info. Click “Edit User Profile”, on the right, in the MAC or C2C Number: box, enter your 10 digit phone number, without spaces, without dashes, and without brackets. Click the at the top the blue “Update User Account”. Log out of the site, and re-login to have the new number working with C2C buttons.


Follow these steps when using this feature on Ticket Detail in My Calls.
  • Click the call_now.jpg icon, a message will pop up. Once you click [OK], your phone will ring.

  • Answer it, then you should hear the PATIENT'S phone ring.

  • Your call will start recording now, and you will start communicating with the patient.

HAVING TROUBLES - If the USING C2C does not work the first time. Please follow these steps in order:

  • Wait about 15 seconds. Make sure your phone is hung up.

  • Click the C2C icon one more time. Does your phone ring? (second attempt on C2C)

  • If your phone does NOT ring, Are you blocking the CALLERID, or all toll free numbers? If so, unblock it. Your carrier may be blocking these numbers on your behalf.

  • In the TriageLogic patient ticket, report a problem at this point :  “YES” to “C2C ISSUES:”.

  • Call 1-336-777-6700 nurses recording line, then manually enter in the 10 digit phone number of the patient.

  • Call 1-866-496-2018 the secondary nurses recording line.

  • From your phone, dial *67 (wait 2 seconds), dial PT number. 

STILL HAVING TROUBLE, REPORT IT - TriageLogic Support will assist, but you need to provide adequate details for investigation.

In the TriageLogic patient ticket, be sure to select “YES” to “C2C ISSUES:”.

- TICKET or NOTE number.

- Nurses phone number used in this C2C.

- Briefly describe the issue. Examples, (ring,ring,busy), (never rang my phone), (could not hear pt), (pt phone did not ring).

  Reporting “C2C not working” will not help on fixing the problem.

Send us a support ticket or an email to with this information, if anything is missing, request would be ignored.

Joel Gathercole - Director of IT 2019-03-19; Updated 2020-01-07

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