Call stuck in Unassigned Queue, possible issue with submitting the ticket

Call stuck in Unassigned Queue, possible issue with submitting the ticket

Sometimes a ticket will end up literally stuck in the Unassigned Queue, where as nobody can claim the call to close it out.
This is not a bug, but a backup precaution to prevent idle tickets from the Answering Service from not being completely lost, which can lead to patient care issues.
If a ticket does show up similar to this:

There is a quick solution:
First check the ASSIGNED QUEUE, typically a nurse manager can "TAKE CALL" right away. Enter dummy info change practice to a test practice and close out the ticket.
If this step is unavailable to you, please send Triage Logic Support an email with the site you see this ticket on. We will remove it by FORCING the ASSIGNING of the ticket, then close.


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