Should we Change user account information?

Should we Change user account information?

Should we Change user account information?
Most of the past records are converted to the new username, however not ALL data points will change.
If you change the name on a profile, it will change all records within your system.  Meaning any record that profile touched would reflect the most current name in the user profile.  Because of this, we recommend creating a new profile to preserve that authenticity of your system data.  
If was to change a user account login name only, the most significant issue is the ticket LOG, where it stored the username, not the user_id. So if the user was 
ABCuser for the past year.
You change the user to
XYZguy today.
All past tickets log still show "ABCuser", new ticket logs will say "XYZguy".
A year from now, someone needs to audit that ticket. Who is "ABCuser" ?
Therefor, the best way to accommodate such a change to keep the documentation all in order.
Please create a new user, and disable the old user account. Put a note in the user profile (maybe in a Location field), stating new user is "XYZguy" on so an so date.
Changing the first name and last name, can be changed anytime, as you want to maintain proper legal names in the accounts, such as a woman getting married or divorced and want their last name adjusted to reflect it accurately.  That type of situation, you will not need to make a new user (BUT keep the username) the same.
In short, rule of thumb, you may change any part of the user profile, but do NOT change the actual login username.
Please refer to your organizations policy with regards to user account management changes, before you make a change.

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