How long can I still view my secure messages for?

How long can I still view my secure messages for?

How long can I still view my secure messages for?
Each site has different settings for time frame on how long a secure message is available for a physician to read. By default this is set to 72 hours.
Additionally there is also a time limit to view the message before it expires from your screen, where-as you can reload the message and re-enter your PIN to re-read your secure message. Your time to read the message is 5 minutes.
If it the time has past the permitted time to view a secure message. You may still see the message within the Call Center site. You may also call a Nurse manager to relay the message over to over the phone. To contact the nurse manager on call, please use option 3 on the dedicated physician line provided to you.
If the time has not yet past, and you still can not review the secure message, there may be another issue related to accessing your message.
1-  Is your PIN correct? This can be reset by contacting the Nurse manager, or Triage Logic Customer Service department.
2-  Are you using the correct secure link in your message. Sometimes if you receive a lot of secure messages, can lead to too many possible messages and windows open on your device. Please close all the browser tabs, then find the last received secure message and follow the access steps accordingly.
3-  If the above 2 steps already have followed, and still having issues with accessing your message, please send us a support message, and an agent will follow up with you within a few business days to guide you.

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