Incorrect demographics entered in completed Triage Note

Incorrect demographics entered in completed Triage Note

My Triage Note has the wrong demographics, wrong patient DoB, what do I do?
The simplest solution is to add to the incorrect note, Additional Notes (found at the very bottom of the Triage Note), mention the corrected demographics information. However, this is not acceptable by most organization policies.
The alternate solution. Add to Additional Notes that this note is incorrect, the corrected is Note #xyz.
CLOSE the note (if not already). DO NOT SEND (FAX) this triage note if possible.
Go back to the TICKET DETAIL, update the correct demographics. Start a NEW NOTE. Enter all the triage assessment information from the first note.
Additionally extra steps need to be taken to investigate the cause of the incorrect data entry and take the steps to prevent future occurrences.
The bad Triage Note, will still be attached to the Triage Ticket. This can not be deleted. You reference you made in the addendum will point anyone to the correct triage note for any research.

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