I'm being kicked out of Triage Logic too often and too quickly.

I'm being kicked out of Triage Logic too often and too quickly.

I'm being kicked out of Triage Logic too often and too quickly.
Triage Logic Call Center software has multiple levels of inactivity detections in place. Every organization typically has their security policies that we must abide by to control inactive sessions.  Please contact your IT SECURITY DEPARTMENT for these full details. Then please contact us if you seem to be kicked out sooner than your security policy.

Some users with less activity will experience a kick out of the Call Center software more often than a very active user. 

By default the application will only update your login session status 20% of the every page load. The reason why 20%, is to lower the chances of hogging unnecessary database updates.

If your organizations security policy is to have idle time very low, 1 hour or less, while your work flow is often staying on the same page for more than 10 minutes. There is very little chance for the software to have received that 20% chance of getting an update saying you're still here.
However, you typically will not see this if you are reloading a page more than once per minute, you have a greater chance of not being kicked out.
They could also be logged out for other reasons, such as:
- attempting to login on another tab in the /test/ site.
- attempting to login the backup site while already logged in production.
- No mouse movement at all for  about 5 minutes (intake screen only) (we may have changed this for you already it came up before), no really logged out, just kicked out of intake screen sent to home screen.
- Logged into multiple tabs, as one can detect being idle too long.
Tips to prevent auto-logouts of nurses.
      - Keep only 1 tab open.
      - When not in a triage call, stay in unassigned queue (this updates every 60 seconds) to keep your probability you are still there active.
We have a solution that will resolve this issue.
Please contact us by opening a new ticket, explaining you are getting kicked out often, and you have a work flow that consists of staying on a specific page for longer than a few minutes.

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