Navigating and Search the Archive

Navigating and Search the Archive

General Definitions

Live Database

Typically the Live Database will hold about 6 months of calls. Your call center site may hold more or less than this value. This is based on volume. The less calls we hold in the live database, the better speeds we have for handling current calls.
  1. A database consisting of the most recent calls viewed using PATIENTS > HISTORY or PATIENTS > NOTES.

Archive Tickets and Archive Notes

  1. Once a Note or Ticket ages beyond the limits of the Live Database it is moved to the Archive Database for its year. This is an automated process.

Year Definitions

Archiving is an automated process dependent on the month limits established for the Live Database.

2020 (LIVE)

  1. The current live database (LIVE DB). This is basically the same as the TICKETS/NOTES section. It is copied here for convenience.


  1. A placeholder for calls that will eventually fall into the ARCHIVE. Currently empty as all 2020 calls are still part of the Live Database.


  1. A database of archived calls from 2019 (Jan 1, 2019 - End of Live Database).
  2. As calls from 2019 are moved from the LIVE DB to ARCHIVE they will go here.


A database of archived calls for all of 2018.


A database of archived calls for all of 2017.


A database of archived calls for all of 2016.

Archive Navigation Workflow

This document uses examples from Archive Notes, but the same guidance applies to Archive Tickets.
  1. Choose a Database to search by selecting from the YEAR: dropdown.
  2. Once the database loads, you may use any one of the other search filters and click “go”.
Some filters will start the search process automatically.
  1. You may alternately use the PAGE Dropdown  to view the calls by Page.
IMPORTANT: To return to the ARCHIVE after viewing a Note use the blue Archive Tickets or Archive Notes Buttons  at the top of the screen. Using the browser’s back button will likely result in a broken page as your search becomes expired once you open a note.
  1. Multiple Pages of Search Results: If your search returns more than one page of results, use the page navigation to view more results

Archive Navigation Pro Tips

  1. DO NOT RUSH: The search filters are complex and require careful use. Rushing will cause you to spend more time cleaning up mistakes with extra clicks than just taking your time and being precise.
  2. BE AWARE: When switching between databases, it may appear as if there are no results. This is likely because that Page # doesn’t exist in that Year. To retrieve the results, click the blue Archive Notes or Archive Ticket button before or after selecting your year. This resets the page to 1 and will display the database properly.
  3. CLEAR FORM: After each search, it is best practice to use CLEAR FORM  before beginning another one. This reduces the possibility of expected results. If you are getting unexpected results from a search use CLEAR FORM and search again.

Additional research on archived calls can be preformed by Triage Logic support staff with a lead time of about 30 days. Please email your request without any PHI to If PHI is required for the research then someone will get back in touch with you over the phone to gather all the information.

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