Provider to Nurse Chat - Nurse Workflow

Provider to Nurse Chat - Nurse Workflow


  • On Call providers will now have the option to chat with a nurse when a nurse sends them a secure text.

  • The chats are executed on a secure server, so you can discuss PHI.

  • All chats are “Ended” when the ticket is closed.

  • The chat is attached to the PTs record and documentation.

How it Works for Nurses

  • Nurse sends a secure text message as usual.

  • If the provider decides to use the chat function and sends a chat message, the green PT icon at the top on the page will blink green and red.

  • Clicking on the green icon will open the relevant ticket.

  • Once in the Ticket Details View, the blue “MD” icon will be flashing red. 

  • Click on the MD icon to open the chat.

  • The nurse can converse with the provider as if in a chat room.

  • Once the MDs instructions are finished, the provider will end the chat.

  • At this point the nurse will not be able to continue the chat, but the provider can. Again the icons will flash if there is a new message.

  • Once the chat is closed by the MD, if the nurse has further questions, they will need to send a new secure text message.

  • The nurse will finish the call as usual and close the ticket.

  • Once the ticket is closed, the chat can no longer be reopened.

  • The chat log is available in both the PAGE LONG and TICKET DETAILS view by clicking on the “blue “MD” Icon in the CHAT column.