The Orders Editor

The Orders Editor allows for the use of formatting, images and special symbols. You'll need to use some basic HTML to make it work.


Basic HTML Formatting Codes:

</h2> at the beginning of the order will ensure that the entire order is NOT bold.
<b>Bold Text Here</b> = Bold Text Here
<u>Underlined Text Here</u> = Underlined Text Here
<i>Italics Text Here</i> = Italics Text Here
<br /> at the end of a line is like using return.


Input in the Editor: 

Output in the Editor:

Output to the User:

Special Symbols

You can use special code to properly output commonly used symbols. Each code ends with a semicolon.

Basic Special Symbol Codes:

Fractions: "&fracXY;" where X is the numerator and Y is the denominator. So, "&frac12;" is ½, "&frac34;" is ¾.
Degrees: "&deg;" will place a degree symbol. 75&deg; F is 75° F
Slash: "&#47;" will add a slash. Great for Blood Pressures "120&#47;80" will display 120/80.
Percent: "&#37;" will place a percent symbol. "80&#37;" will display 80%.
A full list of symbols can be found here: http://cactus.io/resources/toolbox/html-symbol-codes
If you were to re-edit the order, you must re-enter those HTML symbol codes, as they are not preserved during an edit.


Input in the Editor:

Output in the Editor:

Output to the User:


Images can also be added to orders using HTML Code. This requires help from IT Support as we need to upload the image to our server. You can also link outside to any image online with the appropriate permissions of author.

Image Code:

<img src='server location'> will add an image to the order. The server location will be provided by IT support once we have uploaded the image.


Input in the Editor: 

Output in the Editor:

Output to the User:

If you need any assistance with formatting your order in a way not mentioned here, please ask us by opening a support ticket as there are many more possibilities.