Page Log screen doctor is not the exact same name as the doctor who was securely paged.

Page Log screen doctor is not the exact same name as the doctor who was securely paged.

The page log screen is for internal use only, by us the Nurses and IT staff not by the Answering Service.
The doctor name is only for reference, is loaded by the contact method on the right hand side of the page log screen.
Meaning, if 2 or more "doctor" profiles have the exact same contact number or email address. Only the first one found in the database is shown in the log screen.
The exact doctor id is not stored in the page log, only the contacted number or email. Therefor a reverse look up is processed and the result is the first found in the system.
This is only noticed when the same contact number/email is identical and the name of the doctor is different. Yet, its the same destination.

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