Triage Logic has an internal Patient ID system (PT ID). This id is unique to each detected as a unique patient created on submitting a ticket. 

This feature can be turned on or off for looking up a patient record (from INTAKE), on creating new records.

Additionally it is possible to have existing outside sources of patient records imported on regular basis. (call center clients).

Since our 2016 Call Center version release PT ID has been used in the back ground to take ground on this system. 
PT IDs are required to have past call records to work. Where as if a patient call 3 days ago or even 3 years ago, the matching patient notes will appear in the open ticket in the MATCHING FILES section at the bottom.  Knowing the patients history is very useful information to help prepare for the triage call.  (This feature can be turned off for call center clients, for live and archive matches)

Currently there is no way to manage the existing patient ID in the database. This is in our software road map.

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