REPORTS V5=>Notes is missing protocol names, yet triage note has a protocol.

REPORTS V5=>Notes is missing protocol names, yet triage note has a protocol.

REPORTS V5=>Notes is missing protocol names, yet triage note has a protocol.
The reporting are done some time after the triage note and ticket have been closed completely.
Different parts of the report are ran at different times therefor building the entered reported recorded.  
Typically the entire report is completed within 12 hours after the ticket has been closed, however volume may affect this timeframe on any given day and may take longer than 24hours to update.
Making a change to a closed note, such as changing the practice or ticket type, will remove that report record and re-run it within the next few hours.
If the protocol name and or dispositions are missing from multiple records in the V5 triage reports. Please send Triage Logic Support a message with the note number for our reference to get this properly re-ran.
This has been known to happen a few times when protocol changes happen to a user, especially when a new release has been added to the call center.

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