SECURED PDF is coming up black or blank

SECURED PDF is coming up black or blank

If the SECURED PDF file can not be found on the secured server location. The result to the user would look similar to this.

Error : "Failed to load PDF document", with the file name "mod_securefile.php". 

Please report this immediately to to get resolved.
Some causes are:
  1. Program that manages the encryption or delivery failed.
    1. destination server login info not working.
    2. destination server temporally was no available when the PDF originally was expected to be delivered.
    3. destination path does not exists. The PDF's are sorted by year on the destination path, ensure the year exists of when that PDF was created (timestamp in filename).
  2. SECURED PDF is not configured correctly or not yet set up.
    1. Once this feature is turned on, all previous PDF files are not available until the file has been registered and delivered.
  3. PDF may still have a pending status. If this continues for more than 2 hours on the same file, contact support.

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