SEND BUTTON: What is sent and how?

SEND BUTTON: What is sent and how?

Call Center software can have two options show up when doing a triage.  Here are screen snips of both versions. Depends on features enabled for your organization.


The option populate so that it would send to a location, once you select send, it will create a PDF and then we’re done.

Is there any reason to also check the Generate PDF box as well for those that have a number to fax? 
That would mean we would have the first two boxes checked on screen snip 2. 

Do we need to always keep the check box in PDF for any other call? 
This is a decision for your supervisor or directors to communicate with your team if every PDF is required by your policy or just selected PDF files.

Does it only create the PDF if you select SEND?
Yes, you need to click on SEND in order for the system to generate a PDF - As a nurse, you may decide this triage is not a triage and test or error in the note, where as they would generate the PDF on the valid triage note.
You do not need to click on both a fax number and Generate PDF, as sending the FAX is generating the PDF regardless. By clicking both, you'll end up with 2 PDF files, which can lead to some confusion by someone looking at the record at a later time.
By default, if there is a fax number for the doctor profile, the fax is selected. If no fax number is set in the doctor profile, then Generate PDF is default.
Therefor, it will always give the ability to make at least 1 PDF report.
Dependant on your organization configuration. If GENERATE PDF - ONLINE ONLY, this will only create a PDF which is only available by logging in the site. Any user with access to this triage note can download this PDF file

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