Triage Logic Software User Policy

Triage Logic Software User Policy

Confidentiality, Privacy and Access to Information I understand that confidential information includes any patient information, personnel information and Triage Logic competitive and financial information. Under no circumstance will I discuss this information with individuals outside of my job role. I have read and understand Triage Logic's Confidentiality Policy. I understand that my username and password to access electronic information is only for my use and may not be shared with anyone. I agree to only access information necessary to perform my job duties and that I will be held accountable for any inappropriate access. I understand that some of my private information is required for access to Triage Logic for identification purposes only, without this information your access will be limited and restricted. Any access determined to be inappropriate shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including the termination of employment and criminal prosecution. I have read and understand Triage Logic's policy on Sanctions for Privacy and Security Violations. I understand that a Triage Logic support employee may not and is not oblisged to modify user access flags and levels without written consent of an administrator or project lead manager approval of your organization. Triage Logic support may reset your password with your provided creditental matches. I understand that for access to electronic information, including but not limited to, electronic medical records, I will be assigned a unique identification code. This code, which will consist of an assigned username along with a password of my choosing, will serve as my electronic signature. My electronic signature is legally the same as my written signature and should not be shared with others. I have read and understand Triage Logic's Electronic Signature policy. I understand all my actions taken within Triage Logic are recorded by IP and timestamps and my electronic signature. I have read and understand Triage Logic's Logging policy. I have read and understand the terms of the United States of America Gouvernment's HIPAA Policies and will continue to abide by the laws set forth.
Corporate Compliance I agree to follow Triage Logic's Code of Conduct and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. I also understand that I have the duty to report any suspected violations of law or Compliance policies to my immediate supervisor or the Triage Logic Support I have read and understand Triage Logic's Corporate Compliance Policy, Compliance Human Resources Policy and the Code of Conduct.

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