RED ERROR : There was a Network error on updating this ticket and Unable to Close or Complete or Continue a ticket to triage with a new note. Stuck Ticket

RED ERROR : There was a Network error on updating this ticket and Unable to Close or Complete or Continue a ticket to triage with a new note. Stuck Ticket

My ticket is essentially stuck, and need further assistance.
I’m having issues with a specific ticket that I cannot complete due to an error in red (normally where the ticket complete button appears.)
The error reads that missing essential data. There was a network error on updating this ticket. Required: name, phone, practice, doctor, complaint. All of these components are filled out, so I am unsure how to complete it. I also tried closing out of TL, re-entering the information and hitting save. None of these interventions are not correcting the issue.
The message you are getting is related to missing information from when the ticket was originally submitted to the application.
It can be any of the listed fields.
To move forward on that ticket, without having that information, you can put a space, or multiple spaces in those fields (except DoB).
Phone you can put all zeros.

Once they are entered, then you can close out that ticket.
If this ticket looks like there should be more information, please report it to your supervisor the ticket number so the issue can be escalated to the Answering Service appropriately to find out why there was missing information in the first place.
If you continue to have issues with this ticket. Please contact, let us know the ticket id or some reference to finding that stuck ticket. We will take the ticket from your MyCalls and close it out. Please indicate if it is a potential dummy ticket or real patient ticket that still needs triage.

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