While testing a newer version of the web application, I'm being logged out often.

While testing a newer version of the web application, I'm being logged out often.

While testing a newer version of the web application, I'm being logged out often.
This article applies If you are running routine tests on a live test site, such as your web site domain /test/
and you are being kicked out at times. 
The most common cause is you may still have the production site page loaded in another tab. Regardless if you are logged in or not, they are sharing the same domain name, therefor sharing the same active sessions with another version of the web application within the same browser.
Our sites are configured to reload the login page at periodic intervals to ensure the next login session has the most up to date configuration. So, even just staying at the login page in the background, will kick you out, as the logon page refreshes every few minutes, each time, reloading that sites configuration into your session. If you happen to be on another tab on another version such as /test/, then you will be kicked out.
There are two options to deal with this:
    Completely close the site/tab/window you are not working on.
    if you need to compare a production versus a test site, you should open the second session either in a different browser, or the same browser in a private mode, such as incognito (for Chrome) or inPrivate (for IE). The servers and browsers will then isolate the two separate sessions, so there is not an update to configuration while you are working.

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